Our perception of reality is tainted by our expectations of reality ; our brains filter information according to importance ; Our perception of reality is tainted by our expectations of reality ; our brains filter information according to importance ; Our perception of reality is tainted by our expectations of reality ; our brains filter information according to importance ; Our perception of reality is tainted by our expectations of reality ; our brains filter information according to importance ; Our perception of reality is tainted by our expectations of reality ; our brains filter information according to importance.
It’s all a series of distractions until you die.
My problem with language: It needs to be analysed to be understood but I don't want it to be analysed.
Power is an illusion. An illusion in need of protection. But its protection strengthens its illusion, while it tries to create distance it usually creates attraction.
Art is selfish. How can one be so arrogant to think that they can evoke a certain, specific, emotion in someone else. Emotions are tied to memories. Memories are based on emotions. Memories are unique. No two people are the same so, how can two people experience the same emotion?
It was not politics or reality that failed the utopian ideas, like Marxism. It was politicians and their egocentric humanity infused by believe-systems of the past.
Governments run on rewards. In a democracy people vote for the one who can give them the most. Rewards are usually money in one form or another. After a coup, the new government is, generally, not the people who overthrew the previous government but the people who get access to the treasury first. In the 2008 financial crisis a few people got very rich by being naughty, selfish, pieces of shit. After the crash there were elections and quite a few of those very few got appointed positions of power.
Our social fabric has been broken. This is not necessarily a bad thing. We need to reinvent. We have been reinventing. Reinventing has broken it. The reinvention has been broken. We need to experience the power we have to be able to realize what power we have. You could say the social fabric hasn't been broken, it just changed without us realizing it.